DJ Aquanav's Blog
Friday, October 17, 2008
Another submission for a remix contest...Rose Walker's "Another Sometime"

Hello people...I have uploaded my entry for another contest by Sony's ACID Planet. The contest's called the Rose Remix contest, and the track I have remixed is called "Another sometime" . This girl Rose, has the best voice I have ever heard so far! She has an angelic voice, and it keeps reverberating in your mind!

Here's the link:

Also check this one:

Enjoy !!! :-) and do leave a review/comment at AcidPlanet, or mail me at: Or to make it easier, you can come back to this blog posting and leave a comment here :-)

posted by Nav @ 1:37 AM   0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
New submission for Rubikon remix contest
Hello people! I just uploaded my submission for the Rubikon remix contest on Sony's ACID Planet. It was the remix for a song called "Brittle". The original's a very beautiful song, featuring the vocals of Tiff Lacey. I tried my best to keep the original theme, and tried playing around with the synths.

You can check out the track here:

Do let me know if you enjoyed listening to it :-)
posted by Nav @ 10:14 AM   0 comments
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Name: Aquanav
Home: India
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