DJ Aquanav's Blog
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My Latest track...Shift Up!!!
Here's my latest track...Shift up!..a literal shift from my usual methods...

I have incorporated fresh synths/loops...and I have dedicated this track to my old bike...gave me an adrenaline rush, which I never felt again till date...

You can check out the song by playing it on the media layer to your left. Or go to the links below. You need to visit the songs section:

Do give me your feedback...will really appreciate it as it gives artists like us a lot of support and can either leave your b as a comment to this post, or mail it to

Thanks for listening :-)
posted by Nav @ 1:24 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The new music player to your right :-)
Hi !

I have embedded a music player in this blog page itself, so that you can check out most of my tracks here itself. All tracks except contest submissions are uploaded in the player, courtesy of

Further, there's also a fanmail subscription box just below the music player. Once you have signed up, you'll be receiving my emails and news abt events, new uploads, album releases etc., so that you can be up-to-date with Aquanav's news and music :-) ... courtesy: again :-)

Thank you all for your support...


posted by Nav @ 2:00 AM   2 comments
My latest track for a remix contest :-)
Hello People...

This is a remix of a song called Cry Cry Cry by an old Country singer called Johnny Cash (on Wiki). Tried an underground grind with his voice...

Here's the link:

And here's another entry for the same contest... This time, I have raised JC's voice to a higher pitch (Scale A), and made an Electronica-House mix with his voice :-)

Here's the link:

Do check them out and give me your valuable feedback :-)
posted by Nav @ 1:49 AM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Aquanav
Home: India
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See my complete profile

Mini Music Player


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Almost done with my first album...check out few of my songs at AcidPlanet !

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