DJ Aquanav's Blog
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
New track uploaded

Hello people...

I have uploaded a new track. It's titled Smooth...and the name explains it all :-)

Check it out here:

And here:

Enjoy ... B-)
posted by Nav @ 1:56 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hi There!

Thank you for visiting my blog...I'm Aquanav...a.k.a Navin, from Chennai, India.

I'm a hard core fan of Electronic music, and been listening to it since 2000. Ever since I listened to Darude's Sandstorm, I became an ardent fan and started listening to Trance a lot...I could feel one with the music, hardly any lyrics, music that strikes a chord, connecting with your heart...As time moved on, I felt the desire to listen only to music which I liked, that of course, started decreasing as the world welcomed Hip-hop and pop with open arms...trance was confined to clubs and drug joints...Couldn't find where the music went...that was until I bumped into Sony's Acid. it not only made me connect to fellow artists, but also inspired me to create music...ok, I'm slightly lost now :p ... All I want to say is I love electronic music, and now I love creating music too

Trance is Dead...Long live Trance!

posted by Nav @ 1:40 AM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Aquanav
Home: India
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Mini Music Player


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Almost done with my first album...check out few of my songs at AcidPlanet !

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